Is The Doodle Brush suitable for my dog?
The Doodle Brush was designed specifically for brushing Labradoodles, Bernedoodles, Goldendoodles, Cockapoos and other Poodle crossbreeds. It is best suited to dogs with long, thick coats which are prone to tangling and matting. If your dog has a short coat like a Labrador, The Doodle Brush will not be suitable.
How often should I use The Doodle Brush?
The longer your dog's coat, the more often it will require brushing. We recommend using The Doodle Brush around 3 times per week to keep your dog's coat matt-free and in tip top condition.
Will The Doodle Brush scratch my dog's skin?
No - the pins have rounded, polished ends meaning they will not scratch your dog's skin like some poorly-designed brushes could.
Is The Doodle Brush the only brush I need to groom my dog?
You will also require a stainless steel comb to run through the coat after using The Doodle Brush. This comb should be used as a checking tool to make sure you have got through all the tangles and the coat is matt-free. If you come across a knot when combing, revert to The Doodle Brush to work through it, then continue combing.
I keep my Doodle's coat quite short, will I find The Doodle Brush valuable?
If your Doodle's coat is long enough that is has a wave or curl, you will find The Doodle Brush does a wonderful job of keeping it tangle and matt-free. You might even decide to keep your Doodle's coat longer going forwards since The Doodle Brush helps you to keep it tangle-free with less effort.
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